Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Large Hadron Collider

Hi friends today I am going to tell you about the Large Hadron Collider.This blog can be long but it is very interesting too, so let's get started.

The Large Hadron Collider 

The Large Hadron Collider is the biggest machine ever built by humankind. The Large Hadron Collider or LHC is situated at CERN in Geneva. The Large Hadron Collider or LHC is a particle accelerator. Here it's picture.

The LHC accelerates few particles near 1,86,000 miles per second or the speed of light.LHC  accelerates the particles and then collides them with each other so we can see what was inside the particles.
The Particle accelerator needs so much energy to accelerate particles near speed of light.There is vacuum inside the tunnel so there will not any particle present to interface.

The LHC made many discoverys such as Higgs Boson and many other elementary particles.
LHC described "Why matter has mass ?" This mystery was unsolved from many years or decades.The LHC solved this problem and this is a very big discovery.

The speed of particles in LHC is controlled by electromagnetic force the magnetic force's unit is  "Tesla".There are the most powerful magnets in LHC.The magnets which are used in MRI machines are about 2 or 3 tesla.But magnets which are used in LHC are about 7 or 8 tesla so we can imagine how powerful the magnets will.
We know that if we increase the length of Collider we can collide them more powerfully.So China and America are trying to build more longer than LHC about 100 kilometres.America's and China's project is postponed because of political issues.

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Human brain

Hi my name is Rana Dhruv. 
Today I'm going to tell you some interesting facts about human brain.
  • A human brain has millions and millions neurones.There are more neurones that there are stars in our galaxy.
  • The scientists cannot understand the brain very deeply or fully.
  • Our knowledge about brain is increasing at an incredible way.More than thousand and thousands papers are published in only the field of neuroscience.
  • The topic 'how brain controls the blood pressure' is still a debatable topic.The scientist who steadied neuroscience very deeply still they have disagreements about this.
  • The human brain is the most complex mechine in world.
  • The brain is the only machine that can process and store information to this level without doing any noise.It seems cool.
  • According to a study by oxford university the human brain can store information to "2 petta bite".If we make a video of 2 petta bite or 2 pt the length of the video will be about 450 years.
  • The human eye is called the state of the art but human brain deserves more than it.

The Large Hadron Collider

Hi friends today I am going to tell you about the Large Hadron Collider.This blog can be long but it is very interesting too, so let's ...